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Belle Plaine Community School District


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Clubs & Organizations

Big Idea STEAM Club

In the fall of 2019, Mrs. Miller combined Art, Drama & Lego Club into the Big Idea STEAM Club!  All 3 clubs are now combined.  Because of large numbers the club was split into two groups, each meeting once a week.

STEAM information: https://ta-damakerspace-steamlab.weebly.com

Art information: https://www.bpiartu.com


Student Council

All students grades 3-6 are eligible to run for officers in their homeroom.  Elections are held each September and January.  Student council meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 am-8:20 am in the Art/TAG room.


Talented and Gifted (T.A.G.)

Find more information at Mrs. Miller's TAG website!
